Volunteer Training

Outdoor Education

Come join your fellow volunteers and train to take girls outdoors. Learn how to safely guide your girls, cook outdoors, camp rules, and everything required to lead your troop hiking, camping, or anytime an outdoor fire will be used. You may be able to tour our camp facilities after training. Offered at our GSLPG camps, Camp Wawbansee and Camp Bon Temps. Cost $20. Troop funds can be used for troop leader training. Please check the Event Calendar for training dates. 


Learn how to use our Archery and Slingshot range so your girls can have even more fun at camp. Offered throughout the year at our GSLPG camps, Camp Wawbansee and Camp Bon Temps. Cost $10. Troop funds can be used for troop leader training. Please check the Event Calendar for training dates.

Still Water Canoe

Offered in Spring and Fall. Learn the skills needed to safely take your girls canoeing at our camps. Current, approved CPR/First Aid certification required. Cost $15. Troop funds can be used for troop leader training. Please check the Event Calendar for training dates. 


This course teaches is a Girl Scout approved first-aid CPR training that teaches rescuers how to recognize and treat medical injury and environmental emergencies in the critical first minutes until EMS arrives. CPR is basic life support course that includes one rescuer. Registered Adults Only. Please check the Event Calendar for training dates. 

Group Training Request