Camp Wawbansee

Camp Wawbansee is located at 610 Girl Scout Rd.; Simsboro, LA. 71275. The camp sits on 140 acres of land. The Troop House, 24 Cabins, Pool, Lake, Arts & Crafts Building, Archery Area, Dining Hall, and Infirmary/First Aid Building sit on 70 acres of beautiful bayou landscape.

The Troop House sleeps up to 25 people, and has a full kitchen and new A/C and heating units. A covered front porch houses several tables to use for craft projects. The 2 bathroom area’s have a total of 4 showers and 3 toilets for the campers, and outside there is a fire pit and seating around it. The lodge is handicapped accessible.

The Infirmary/First Aid Building sits between the Lake and Dining Hall in the heart of the camp. This building has 2 toilets 1 shower and 6 beds with heat and air (currently being remodeled). 

Camps are open year round. Need special accomodations? Contact Customer Care at 800-960-2093.

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